Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Accepting New Clients for  the New Year!

    Accepting New Clients for the New Year!

    I am here to help you on your journey for self love, health and happiness. Let me introduce myself: My name is Julie Johnson and I am a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach. I am also a Personal Chef who delivers personalized menu items catered to your nutritional needs and goals. I can help create…

  • Safer Skincare Awareness Project

    It’s me, Julie Johnson FMCHC and your now Beauty Counter Consultant. I have been a Beauty Counter Member for over 2 years and have really appreciated their mission of getting safer products into the hands of everyone. I started my quests for safer skincare about 2 years ago when I started this blog. I was…

  • Spring is in the air!

    As I was walking my sweet black lab this morning, I started looking around and noticed that colors are popping, flowers are blooming, and my nose was pulling in sweet smells of bushes and trees! Today is the first day of Spring. We made it! As I move out of the duldrums of winter I…

  • Time for Dinner!

    Time for Dinner!

    Leftovers are well received in our family but when we just don’t have enough we need to improvise! Air fryer to the rescue. Fried Chicken Thighs with Buttered Turkey Butternut Squash Pizza. Kid Approved! Are you ready for 2019? Do you need help with meal planning? Do you need meals delivered? Do you need someone…

  • Day #1 Colgate -> Weleda Plant Gel Toothpaste…

    Now that 40 is creeping up on me I am finding that I’m am more aware of the world around me and what I put in and on my body has been on the top of my list! I listen to many different podcasts and one of my favorites recently is The Keto Diet Podcast…

  • What is your definition of wellness?

    Is being healthy the same as being well? What is your definition of wellness? Do you believe it is a static state, where once you are well you are healthy? Or do do you believe that it is a fluid state on a spectrum and it matters which way you face? Which would be towards…

  • New Year…New You?

    With the start of a new year, everyone seems to find themselves pondering, wondering, striving, and wanting for something more. How can I be better? How can I get thinner, fitter, stronger, more beautiful? How can I learn new things? How can I be more efficient? In short what are my goals to accomplish this…

  • Stuffed Chicken!

    When Chris and I first met, he was the one that did most of the cooking. I grew up cooking along side my mother and we always had fun looking up different recipes. When I went out on my own, I didn’t care to cook for myself, and that last for quite a while.  Maybe…

  • New Recipe: Crockpot Asian Garlic Fusion Pork Roast plus some exciting news!

    Today was a busy day so I decided that we needed to make it easy and have dinner ready for our return home. That means CROCKPOT action! I bought a pork lion roast the other day at the store and was reviewing lots of different recipes this morning during a cup of coffee. I wasn’t…

  • My Favorite Delivery Service: Imperfect Produce

    In the Bay Area I am lucky enough to have found this service: Imperfect Produce!! They deliver a box of fruits and veggies sourced directly from farms to your door each week. This produce can either have ugly spots, be in surplus, or it is just plain weird looking. I look forward to my delivery…

Got any book recommendations?